Monday 27 October 2014

I should not sew when I'm tired...when am I not tired?

So today I had a grand plan. I wanted to finish my cotton and steel tote bag, all by myself. Only to realize I planned it a row short!!! What's wrong with me? I rediscovered the reason I love IG so much though. Almost immediately I had someone offer to send me a piece of fabric to help me finish my work. People are awesome in this online community. It makes me happy to know that I have made connections with so many people online who are wonderful, kind, generous and creative. It makes my heart happy! Here's my work in progress... left side is quilted and backed w fleece and the right is my slightly too small back. LOL

I'll have to make sure I pass on the good karma to my friends and family this week!! 

Sunday 26 October 2014

Toronto Creativ Festival

Here's a little background about me before you start checking out my brand new blog. My name is Chloe and I have a problem. I craft... compulsively. i just can't help myself. I love it all. Sewing, knitting, crocheting, painting, you name it  I've done it. I was a Lewiscraft employee for about 7 years. It was my first real job and I absolutely adored it. It let me be creative and the wacky artist type I am thrived. The ladies I worked with taught me so much and I wish I still saw them regularly.

My newest addiction is quilting. I went to the Toronto Creativ Festival this weekend and it was amazing! I definitely have some new fave shops including fabricspot, fabricspark and Hamel's Fabrics.

Though my local fave is still The Workroom in Toronto. Here's a little sample of the tote I'm working on right now with a lot of amazing cotton + steel fabrics...